AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc.
AutoHotkey gives you the freedom to automate any desktop task. It’s small, fast and runs out-of-the-box. Best of all, it’s free, open-source (GNU GPLv2), and beginner-friendly. Why not give it a try?
Learn more about this scripting language on
Additional Resources
HashBangs for AutoHotkey
Specify which executable to run your script with by using an interpreter directive.
Automatic Minesweeper
Automatically beat Windows XP’s Minesweeper by reading the positions of the mines straight out of memory.

Binary Clock
A short script for creating and displaying a small binary clock.

The quick code tester
A dynamic code tester that allows you to write and execute AutoHotkey code without temporary files.
Lock Windows on laptop lid close
A script to lock your active Windows session (similar to pressing Windows-L) when you close your laptop’s lid.

IRC Client and Bot Framework
A flexible class based IRC client and bot framework. Used as one of the official IRC bots in the #ahk and #ahkscript channels on freenode.

Piet Interpreter
A Piet interpreter written in AutoHotkey. Read more about the Piet programming language on wikipedia
15 Puzzle
One of my early attempts at a tile based game, the classic 15 puzzle
A work-in-progress implementation of the classic Othello board game

Class based console library
A class based wrapper for the win32 console. Included with it is a Tetris clone, syntax highlighter, and proof of concept TUI IRC client.
Automate Google Chrome using native AutoHotkey.
Write Discord bots in AutoHotkey
Embed the latest IE instead of IE7
Tell Windows to disable browser emulation for embedded ActiveX controls in your application.

MsgBox replacement that uses embedded HTML
An HTML based replacement for the built in “MsgBox” dialog box.
Neutron provides a powerful set of tools for build HTML-based user interfaces with AutoHotkey. It leverages the Trident engine, known for its use in Internet Explorer, because of its deep integration with the Microsoft Windows operating system and its wide availability across systems.
Pig Latin translator
A library for converting English text to and back from Pig Latin
Access objects remotely over the network
Allows users to publish and access objects over the network by serializing the requests as JSON.

Simple GDI Class
A class aiming to make using low-level GDI functions simple.
A socket library based on previous work by forum user Bentschi
Connect to a WebSocket server using AutoHotkey
Classes in AHK, a Dissection
An attempt at demystifying the inner workings of classes in AutoHotkey.
How to create custom enumerator objects
All about creating custom enumerators
Tips, Tricks, and Standalones
Code snippets and techniques for writing better scripts