
Philip is a double major, Computer & Information Technology and Management Information Systems, at Marshall University. He is the president of the Computer Science club Geeks and Gadgets, an officer of honor society Beta Alpha Psi and a member of the Honors College. He has involved himself with several robotics programs around WV such as FIRST Lego League and VEX Robotics, both as a team member and an event volunteer. He has made many contributions to the open source community that are shown on his website and his GitHub page. Philip hopes to pursue a technology-based career in the business world.
Most Popular Projects
Here are some of the most popular open source projects that Philip has developed over the years. In aggregate, they represent thousands of hours of work toward bettering the FOSS ecosystem.
Automate Google Chrome using native AutoHotkeyNeutron.ahk
AutoHotkey Web GUIs on SteroidsCodeQuickTester
Write and run AHK scripts without touching the file system.Socket.ahk
AutoHotkey socket class based on Bentschi'sWebSocket.ahk
Connect to a WebSocket server using AutoHotkeyConsole
AutoHotkey Win32 console wrapperUpcoming Projects
What’s next on the roadmap?
The CloudAHK drag and drop script editor gives you the power of AutoHotkey with the simplicity of Scratch. Built using the open source Blockly engine, developed by Googled and tweaked by MIT and Microsoft, the CloudAHK editor looks great and is super easy to use.
Watch the development at CloudAHK.com.
Adept is planned to be the next major release of the popular script testing environment CodeQuickTester. Adept plans to bring multi-file and project based editing paradigms to the editor while maintaining a lightweight codebase. Because it’s written entirely in AutoHotkey with no external dependencies it can be distributed and used as a single portable user-hackable script file.
Watch the development on the Adept fork of the CodeQuickTester project.
Docker in the Classroom
Docker and containerization are powerful tools for packaging software projects so they can run anywhere with minimal impact on the host system. The extra portability is perfect for classrooms where students need complex local development environments and professors need to grade projects with exotic and conflicting dependencies. To assist students and professors in implementing Docker in their classrooms, Philip has endeavoured to write about using it effectively for that scenario.
Read his progress here.
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
Several times people have reached out to ask: “Philip, I looked at your site but couldn’t find anywhere to donate. Your tools and libraries have helped me a lot and I’d like to give something back!”
You asked, so here it is! You can send donations to support me and my work
either through my PayPal page at
or through BitCoin to my wallet at 3NGXB5FpVWPMWWdbFs7DDJD3HTnuhg9jS1